संसाधन पैक में अंग्रेजी और हिंदी दोनों में सामग्री, खेल और गतिविधियों की सूची शामिल है। अभियान भागीदार अभियान के दौरान अपने कार्यक्रमों या कार्यशालाओं के ल िए इन संसाधनों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
The poem that inspired Har Dil Mein Samvidhan:
लोगो पैक
Triumph of Humanity 75 years into our nation's history We the people are brimming with jubilation Dependence, interdependence, transformation and mastery All around is sheer emotion and celebration Sacredness of the Constitution - all are aware! Dialogues with so many perspectives and a plethora of voices So much of diversity in every corner, every nook Overwhelming love as the heart rejoices Multitudes of small groups here and there Interaction, Positivity and shared values - are the images Ownership and fulfilled ambitions, anywhere you look Flowing from this understanding is great energy Every decision of ours reflects awakened empowerment Embracing Diversity without discrimination, living a life of dignity, Be it in our families, our communities and in OUR government This awareness and wellbeing, is our promise till eternity. In Thousands of cities, towns and villages Energy to feel, think, express and act out of free will Leading to problems being solved, with collaboration and synergy We are witnessing a new freedom, after this long vigil. A triumph of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity Can say this for sure - a triumph of Humanity We promise now and forever till eternity. A triumph of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity A triumph of Humanity!
खेल और गतिविधियाँ
गाने और भजन
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Har Dil Me Samvidhan By Ritesh Gohiya

Savidhan Hai | संविधान है | Savidhan Song | Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar/Akash pawar&Aishwarya jadhav pawar