हर दिल में संविधान में आपका स्वागत है!

About Har Dil Mein Samvidhan
Har Dil Mein Samvidhan is a people’s campaign, to create awareness about Constitutional values and celebrate together on the upcoming Constitution Day and Republic Day.
It’s a simple effort to remind ourselves, the people, that the Constitution of India and the values expressed in it, are to be lived and experienced by all equally.
The Need for Har Dil Mein Samvidhan
Since our first Republic Day in 1950, the Constitution of India has been the guide to building our nation on the values of equality, liberty, justice and fraternity. It has served as the bedrock on which the people of India have strived to achieve their aspirations, overcome challenges, and transform their lives and communities. Civil society organizations, people’s movements and citizens networks, have worked hard to protect and promote people’s rights and welfare. These efforts, over the last 7 decades, have contributed towards the journey of realizing the promises of our Constitution.
And yet, large numbers of people are not fully aware and conscious of the values, rights and responsibilities that form the basis of this powerful document. These words by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar remind us of the work we must still do:
“Constitutional morality is not a natural sentiment.
It has to be cultivated. We must realize that our people have yet to learn it.”
Drawing inspiration from these words, there is a need today for a massive nationwide effort to bring home the importance of the Constitution in everyday lives. The build-up to the 75th anniversary of the Indian Republic gives a historic opportunity for popularizing this foundational document. This need and opportunity are the driving forces for ‘Har Dil Mein Samvidhan’
Guiding principles:
Har Dil Mein Samvidhan is an effort to recognize the connection of the Constitution with our lives and to create awareness about its importance in public life. This will inspire us to imbibe the values of the Constitution in our lives.
This campaign will inspire citizens to come together and create opportunities to communicate on Constitutional values and bring out these values in their lives. How can we deepen the value of the Constitution in the democratic culture, so that along with political democracy, social democracy is strengthened? How can we implement the ideal of the spirit of the constitution in our life, society and country? The importance of the Constitution should be known to every citizen of the country so that we can live the role of a citizen in this condition and strengthen democracy.
1. The working style, process and our language of this campaign will be Inclusive.
2. We will fully respect the Dignity of all.
3. We can get involved as citizens, volunteers, community organizations, etc. Please note that this campaign is non-partisan and there is no mention of participation as a political party.
4. This is a civic campaign for celebration & promotion of the Constitutional values, this is not a protest.
To raise awareness of the Constitution of India and its relevance in our everyday life.
To reach and engage with citizens around the country in all 766 districts of India, increase the visibility of the Constitution in media – print, online and digital.
Proposed Actions:
To conduct on-ground awareness-raising events in all 766 districts by the upcoming 26th of January 2024 (Republic Day).
To collate and spread information about the events through different media channels.
To publish content related to the Constitution (articles, videos, songs etc.) on different media channels.
आप कैसे भाग ले सकते हैं?
Sign up to participate as an Individual or as an Organisation.
Organize community events of any scale in your districts during the specified timeline
If you're already hosting events as part of existing programs, please integrate them into the campaign for our collective impact.
Use resources available to conduct activities in your community.
Download the logo pack and include it with the campaign name "Har Dil Mein Samvidhan" in your activities.
Share event details with the Campaign Secretariat for media communication.
यह काम किस प्रकार करता है
अभियान को एक मंच और एक यात्रा दोनों के रूप में डिज़ाइन किया गया है। एक मंच के रूप में, यह संगठनों, समुदाय के नेताओं और प्रमुख प् रभावशाली लोगों को एकजुटता भागीदारों के रूप में एक साथ लाता है जो इसे एक साथ रखते हैं और संदेश को दूर-दूर तक फैलाते हैं। एक यात्रा के रूप में, यह संविधान को समझने, संलग्न करने और जीने के लिए विभिन्न अनुभवों के माध्यम से जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों से लोगों को ले जाता है। इसे तीन चरणों में शुरू किया जाएगा और इसमें ऑनलाइन और ऑफलाइन दोनों गतिविधियां शामिल होंगी।
ऑन-ग्राउंड इवेंट और सगाई
कैंपेन पार्टनर ऑन-ग्राउंड इवेंट आयोजित करेंगे और नागरिकों के साथ जुड़ाव बनाएंगे। ये घटनाएँ विभिन्न रूपों में हो सकती हैं।
डिजिटल जुड़ाव और एकत्रीकरण
सभी ऑन-ग्राउंड घटनाओं की प्रक्रिया और परिणामों को व्यापक दृश्यता के लिए अलग-अलग मीडिया में एकत्रित और प्रदर्शित किया जाएगा।
Republic Day 2023
January 15th - January 26th 2023
Constitution Day 2023
November 18th - December 2nd 2023
26th November will be common action day
75th Republic Day 2024
January 20th - 3rd February 2024
January 20th 2024 will be common action day
हमारे सह-आयोजक





हमारे सह-आयोजक

वर्तमान भागीदार
119 भागीदार
15 राज्य
185 जिले
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